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For regular watering

Dilute 1000 times with water and spray

Fill a bucket or watering can with water and dilute Landgreen PRO (Garden) 1000 times. For houseplants, in addition to watering, put it in a spray bottle and spray.

Dilution Guideline

For 1L of water, use 1mL of stock solution

For 5L of water, use 5mL of stock solution

For 10L of water, use 10mL of stock solution

For 20L of water, use 20mL of stock solution

Safe and secure for children and the environment

You can safely use diluted Land Green PRO (Garden), which is made from food ingredients, without having to wear gloves or a mask.

Chitin and chitosan are found abundantly in natural soil, so they do not pose a burden on the environment.

*The original solution is acidic, so please dilute it about 1000 times before use.

Explanation of dilution ratio of Land Green PRO (Garden)
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